APSS Perch 313, page 76
Change of Command, USS Perch 313
December 7, 1957
Broadway Pier
San Diego, CA
1 - LCDR King, commanding officer, going into the conning tower door

2 - LCDR McKeever, new commanding officer, with sword

Engine Room Gang

Front Row - left to right -

Chief Kennedy, EN1 Hines, EN3 Starnes, EN2 Mead, EN3 Parker (with cigarette), Lt. Van Hoof

Back Row - left to right -

EN1 Collins, FN(SS) Stone, EN3 Bridges, EN3 Goeldnar, unknown


I was in ABC School when this picture was taken.

                                                                                                                        Loyde "Matt" Mattern
Photos and info on this page supplied by Loyde Mattern